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Richard Fisher
Dunking biscuits in coffee is horrible and they invariably taste awful. more..

Dan O'Donnell
Thought Nicey should see it to believe it @@media/danoddunking. more..

Tom Davies
Pink WafersCheese please
Perhaps you could shed some light on the infamous "HOVIS Biscuit" ?   yours Dunkingly   Tom Davies more..

Maddalena Feliciello
To deny oneself the opportunity to nibble and dunk would be a dulling of the psyche. more..

Oliver Snell
Rocket ScienceDunking
Why? What purpose have they? Structurally they are weaker than Rich Tea so that you have to bolster one with another one when you are dunking (back to back action) and they are as bland as normal Rich Tea. ... Well we found that Rich tea fingers taste ever so slightly different to Round Rich teas, but I'm sure the reason for their existence has to do with dunking dynamics as you suggest. more..

Jeremy Henderson
The French
well, a packet of butter, it's rich and crispy, it's dunkable and satisfying. more..

Joanne Lucas
Smells like biscuitsTeaDunking
But have you ever noticed that when dunking digestives you can only fit a little bit in the cup, and when you nibble off that bit, the rest fits perfectly for dunking? Ahem. ... The large diameter of the digestive, when dunking, teaches us temperance and restraint through biscuit reshaping, unless they have snapped in half in which case its full speed ahead. more..

Glenn Pougnet
We have set up a panel to decide on the winners on the basis of taste, dunkability and biscuit design. ... The winners of each match go into the next round involving tasting and dunking tests. more..

Mark Binnington
What about the kettle? The kettle is an integral part of the whole tea experience - should one use a filter kettle, or perhaps a Britta filter jug or both, which kettle is best? Much like biscuit dunking affects the tea taste so does the quality of the kettle which boiled the water in the first place. more..

Glenn Pougnet
For the quarter finals the biscuits were marked on taste, design, dunkability, originality and performance so only the great biscuit god in the sky knows how the 17 judges came up with these results: QF1 - Jammy Dodger 155 Gingernuts 173 ? GINGERNUT WIN In spite of receiving the 2nd highest marks of any biscuit ever the dodger was knocked out by the pre-tournament favourite and dentally dangerous Gingernut. more..