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Paul Darken
Cork Hat - AustraliaRocket Science
Hi there, You're either a dunker or your not. ... I don't like dunking my biscuit in my tea and prefer to eat them separately. ... My wife, however, loves to dunk. ... it's just that some prefer to dunkmore..

Ben Hale
Contrary to Paul, I believe you can be a part-time, or casual dunker. ... I find that ginger nuts are an ideal dunker, as they transform from attritional denture menace into a lovely moist chew. ... "Short" biscuits are just too damn dangerous to dunk, as the high fat content melts at tea temperature, and there's nothing to hold the thing together anymore. ... I was once told a story about a man who used to love dunking, and always made two cups of tea - one for dunking and one for drinking. ... The dunking cuppa would be thrown away at the end of the session, so as to avoid the nasty "biscuit sick" that congregates at the bottom. more..

Dave Tucker
Nicey, Well as I often now take time for a nice cup of tea and certainly a sit down during consumption, I have to say your website is an enjoyable topic to regard whilst consuming my nice dunked delights of ritch tea biscuits. ... But I feel I must point out whilst a local convenience store supplies therir own brand of ritch tea biscuits with a few pennies saved in the purchase, and at 400g as opposed to Mc Vities 300g for the same length of packet, I have to point out the most important fact to dunkers worldwide with regard to ritch tea is . more..

Roger C
Seek you the Grail
They were like a thicker Rich Tea with a hint of butter, a pure dunking biscuit really. more..

Tom England
Nicey, Q - Who is the only dunkable popular music artist? A - Lionel Rich-Tea Do any other readers have any biscuit related jokes Miami Tom more..

Hywel Thomas
I something a bit like the cheese bit of a cheesecake might work, but I don't know how well that would work with a hot beverage (especially for dunking). more..

Brian Barratt
Cork Hat - Australia
And dunkers, of course, because there are no nasty little excrescences which fall off and float round in an otherwise nice cup of tea, are there?   Brian more..

Andrew Harper
 Morning Coffee biscuits used to be my favourites, rather perversely, for dunking in tea, while Rich Tea biscuits belonged essentially in coffee (though both had a tendency to wind up in contact with clothing or carpets once they'd achieved an adequately hydrated state). more..

Fuhr David (Mr D)
ChocolateSeek you the Grail
Extremely satisfying, and maintains an impressive degree of structural integrity when dunked. ... The un-dipped section provided a useful handle for dunking purposes. more..

Andrew McArdle
A wonderful coincidence has befallen me; a week ago, I made an impulse purchase of a book called "How to Dunk A Doughnut - The Science of Everyday Life" by Len Fisher, as I was intreagued by its large beginning section on the science of dunking biscuits, and then only two or three days afterwards came across by complete coincidence, your most wonderful web site. ... As an avid bisucit-dunker myself, I have always been intreagued by the mechanisms behind the changes that biscuits undergo when submerged in tea, and this book explains the theories at the forefront of modern biscuit research. ... It is so cutting-edge, that the author is required to admit that all the science behind biscuit-dunking is not totally understood. ... Not all of the information on biscuit-dunking given in the book is theoretical; much of it is quantitative and practical, giving us insight into the best bisuits to use for dunking. ... There is even a controversial dunking method suggested to give the longest immersion time possible. ... Having just purchased two boxes in the last week, In can testify to how delicious they are - and the extra chocolate gives a better dunk-time. more..