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To help you work out what is what, are now little icons to help you see biscuit related themes. And now you can see at a glance which are the most contested subjects via this graph (requires Flash 6.0 plugin).

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If you like, you can use this search thingy to find stuff that matches with any of the icons you pick, or use the fantastic free text search, Yay!
Chocolate Cake Fruit Pink Wafers World of Biscuits The French Cork Hat - Australia Kiwi - Kiwis
Rocket Science Jammie Dodger Fig rolls Jam Smells like biscuits Jaffa cakes Biscuit tin Tea
Seek you the Grail Cheese please Canada Personal mug Superstitions Holidays Vending machines Tea cosy
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Your e-Mails

Dave Price
The FrenchRocket Science
Nicey replies: Thank you for that mammoth email, I assume you must be engaged in some form of higher education to be able to bring so much time and thought to a particular subject.

I like your idea for nasty biscuit reviews, I think they can be very amusing. I was sent a terrific one not so long ago but the author could bring himself to go back and get some more for a photo. If people would like to send them in thats fine. Personally I have lots of lovely biscuits to work my way through before I get to the nasty ones, or the fringe players such as Cheddars.

Your Nice biscuit game sounds dangerous and foolhardy, someone could easily be hurt or mentally damaged from such massive exposure to such tatty biscuits.

James Johnson
Cheese please
Nicey replies: There is are two simple tests for crackers VS biscuits.

1) Would you dunk a load of them in your tea?

2) Would you eat them with cheese?

If the answer is NO to the first and YES to the second then they should be crackers.

If you want to think of Rich Tea biscuits as a dazzling spectrum of sumptuous flavours then simply eat a Water Biscuit before hand.

Brian Barratt
ChocolateCork Hat - AustraliaCheese please
Nicey replies: Brian,

Thank you for that charming email. We are always on the look out for the flagship biscuits of other nations, maybe one day we'll get to try the notorious Tim-Tam.

Sorry to hear about your chocolate biscuit and cheese regime.

Guy Holcroft
ChocolateKiwi - Kiwis

Tunnocks Tea Cake Review

Ann Taylor
Rocket Science
Nicey replies: What a fantastic tale of biscuits and animal rescue. Perhaps the Deerhounds should be fed on them as well, as they seem a bit placid compared to your extra hard squirrel. The younger members of NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown's staff are eating a lot of HobNobs this week, I better keep a close eye on them for any psychotic tendencies.