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Your e-Mails

James Fussell
Pink WafersTea
Nicey replies: Sound points there Jim. Baking stuff in your hands would almost certainly lead to very a serious burns injury.

On a similar note things that proclaim themselves to be homemade when they are plainly produced in Industrial proportions always get me wondering. Do they have a vast network of homes in which their products are made, involving an exhaustive series of deliveries of raw materials and collection of the finished goods? Or perhaps somebody actually has to reside at the factory premises in order for it to be a home and therefore be able to produce homemade goods?

Steve Fox
Nicey replies: Yes we have tried them, and were a little disconcerted by the addition of Glycerine to make them soft. Still they are quite nice, and 69 pence is a very good price for a premium biscuit such as these.

Damon Rostron
World of Biscuits
Nicey replies: Thanks for the Grey Dunn wafer info. I was in South Wales in the '70s so maybe that is my excuse.

As for Sweden, I did once have some thin ginger biscuits from Sweden, which you were supposed to consume with a sort of pre-bottled mulled wine called Glurg I think, into which you dropped large raisins and almonds. They were quite nice, a bit delicate, and possibly a little vulnerable if they were to find themselves in major biscuit eating session where there was tea present. If you see any attractive biscuits whilst in Scandinavia then we would be delighted to hear about them, photos would be good too.

Paul MacFarlane
World of Biscuits
Nicey replies: Excellent and also a coincidence that we were reviewing Ginger Nuts this week. We were going to use nicecupoftea as our domain name by that was being cyber-squatted so we went for the the more correct and full nicecupofteaandasitdown. It was only a matter of time before somebody typed it into their browser.. Hoorah! Right I'm off down the pub..

Maddalena Feliciello
Rocket Science
Nicey replies: Yay, you know you have found a serious biscuit oriented web site when discussions turn to Biochemistry.