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Nicey replies: Yay,

My Dad had one of those cream coloured with a green rim and chips our of it just as you described. They sound like noble beasts don't they. I think you would have to make the tea in pan over a camping stove to really be authentic.

Andy Clarke
Nicey replies: Yes I was almost on Sky News yesterday talking about it but the piece got pulled at the last minute due some real news occurring. Still its not everyday that one has a live broadcast Satellite Uplink truck parked outside your house. Hoorah!

Anyhow the whole story is largely absurd and comes down to the denaturation of proteins that we discussed here over the weekend with Michael Barkers message. I favour milk in first if taking tea from a pot and I'm familiar with all the pieces of equipment involved. Otherwise it is a risky strategy, that can result in too much milk, so if you are unsure of quantities, milk in last. The tea will probably cooled enough to make this work OK.

However, given that most tea drunk in the work place is made in mugs, then milk in last is really the only sensible option, so a good thick mug can be an assert here as it brings the tea temperature down quickly. You can accuse me of being uncultured but I think that you can make some really good tea in a mug. Milk in with the tea bag is horrid, but some people like it like that.

I would say that the boiling water bit is more important, Orwell is at pains to point this out.

Finally the best way to make tea, is to make it how you like it! Simple really.