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Your e-Mails

Peter Winny

Garibaldi Review
Nicey replies: That's not right at all. You need to have words with the store, most will get in what they think sells in their locale. Once something goes its unlikely to get reinstated by pure chance. Tell them what you think of their muffins and doughnuts, and that you want proper biscuits. Try turning up in an angry mob, possibly carrying pointy sticks with muffins impaled upon them.

Jim Fussell
Nicey replies: Jim,

Yes I was tipped off about this a week or two ago but I dismissed it out of hand, as its plainly wrong. When will they ever learn? As you say who wants to drink cold tea? I think the laws of physics and the forces of chaos would in fact soon ensure that you had luke warm tea despite their claims.

Fiona Ware
Nicey replies: Fiona,

This Mr Grenby seems to be a bit unbalanced, even if he does appear to be aware of our work. Quite apart from all the lovely treats from Lancashire to feast upon, and the glorious walking to be had in Exmoor, the idea of a large organised event celebrating tea, biscuits and sit downs seems perfectly sensible. In fact the Queen has one each summer, although I don't think anybody is allowed to sit down.

Kate Smith

Tunnocks Tea Cake Review
Nicey replies: Kate,

You're only playing into their hands. Look now there is another email up on the site about mallow based biscuits. Has anybody noticed the wonderful picture based review links I wonder?

Abigail Stynes-Webb
Nicey replies: Do stop blubbing Ms Stynes-Webb, it wasn't us who voted but our readership at large. Anyhow, my caffeine watershed is 6pm beyond that a cup of proper tea will stop me sleeping. If there is important tea or cake sampling to done beyond this hour as is sometimes the case then Wifey will make me a cup of PG Tips decaf. Of course she complains slightly, but it serves a purpose, other than that I try and make sure I get a proper cuppa at 5:30pm.