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Your e-Mails

Pete Thickett
Nicey replies: Yes very prudent of you to touch base with us.

Ideally you should have either 2 sugars or none. Our ISP Mr Borrill has the most annoying amount of sugar in the entire world, a third of a teaspoon, for which he has a special teeny-weany teaspoon at home. He says he can drink it without now, but really it's plain that he would still prefer a tiny little bit of sugar in it. If you are going to be awkward and have sugar at least make it worth while.

As for biscuits this is a good opportunity to do some team building. As engineers you can discuss the dunking merits of one biscuit over another through which you'll learn to respect and value the input and opinions of the other team members. You'll also quickly spot the clueless ones and assign them tasks accordingly. Given that there are 12 of you, you'll need to choose wisely avoiding things that come in packs of ten unless you want to buy 6 packs and everybody have 5 of them.

Mind you given that you are students you may be over-reaching yourselves financially to go beyond entry level biscuits. As a student I ate lots of Ginger Nuts, Digestives, Malted Milks and Fruit Shortcakes all excellent Dunkers and whilst I never built a racing car I did manage to loose all of my third year Molecular Biology project results which led to me being advised to try a career in computing instead.

Nancy Bea Miller
Nicey replies: Wow Nancy,

That's utterly superb, you've got quite a Margrite thing going on there, I'm half expecting a train to pop along in a moment.

Lynn Eaton
Pink Wafers
Nicey replies: Thanks Lynn,

Pink Wafers sighted a year before my birth, and close to pigs, which somehow lends your account extra weight.

Gareth Williams
Pink Wafers
Nicey replies: Not sure exactly but wafers (and pink (carminic acid) for that matter) in general are old school biscuit technology so you'll be fine with them in the 1960s.

Patrick Roper

Garibaldi Review
Nicey replies: Not sure if we contributed to that in but in the great tradition of synchonicity that we enjoy on our site from time to time, John Carr's great great Grandson just emailed us before you! Hoorah for the internet and all who sail on her!