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Your e-Mails

Mike Brophy
Nicey replies: Yes good point about the random application of the adjective American, to biscuits. I like to think that Maryland cookies come from a land of Marys, probably like a cross between Munchkin land in the Wizard of Oz, a bakery, and toy town where Noddy lives, with vast Marys the size of tall buildings striding around sort of like the bit in Power Rangers when who ever is doing the fighting gets 40 times bigger for no good reason.


Owen Tromans
Nicey replies: Fantastic a song about retro biscuits. Hoorah. Is there a bit of an MP3 of it anywhere so we could hear this important new direction in 'rock'. If you did one about Abbey Crunch I would probably need to hold up a fag lighter above my head, I expect.

D Berry
ChocolatePink WafersThe French

Jacob's Orange Club Review

Katrina Silvermoon
The French
Nicey replies: Yes I've a had a couple of emails on this. Its all part of the French plan to knock out iffy biccys. Presumably living in Nice is so 'nice' that they couldn't be arsed to make a proper biscuit, as there was too much sun bathing and Côte d'Azur fun to be had to me mucking about with biscuit creation.

MAYOR: "We are falling behind in the white heat of cake and biscuit development, Dundee, and Eccles both have cakes, we probably need our own biscuit, something that can bare the name of Nice with pride"

BAKER: "Look, I was mucking about trying to make biscuits out of twigs string and old door mats and it all went a bit wrong, and I wound up with these nasty little jobs."

MAYOR: "Gakkk, those are bloody awful"

BAKER: "Quick drink this Pastis muck it tastes worse"

MAYOR: "I don't really care anymore, so they'll do. Lets go to the beach and get pissed"

BAKER: "Righty ho"

Jordan Torbiak
Pink WafersWorld of BiscuitsFig rollsCanada
Nicey replies: Thank you for those thoughts.

I tried Pink Wafers again this week, in a grim experiment instigated by a work mate (Rimmingtons, Rinky dink Pink Panther wafers no less). Maybe it was the vitamins and minerals supplements as each wafer contained 10% of the RDA of zinc, iron, Vitamin C, B12, A folic acid, thiamin, and riboflavin, but they tasted bloody awful. I tried to think of something that might taste that bad and decided that stretches of tha A13 between Dagenham and Purfleet would probably hold their own in a taste test.