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Mr Hands
Rocket Science
Nicey replies: All is forgiven Mr Hands, good to hear from you again. Well done of the teapot which looks a lot like a space rocket, so I'll exercise my ultimate executive power and use that icon for this message. Good luck for the wedding I hope your sister doesn't get too out of control.

Brian Barrett
CakeFruitCork Hat - Australia

John Rooney
Seek you the Grail

Monika Duhig
CakeFruitCork Hat - Australia
Nicey replies: Monika,

Regrettably I don't think thats a likely scenario. Still maybe somebody knows different. As for the secret ingredient, I think its simply our old friend butter which makes the pastry so tasty.

John Rooney
Seek you the GrailCheese please
Nicey replies: John,

I certainly remember cheese footballs and concur that Huntley and Palmer were the main protagonists in this regard. I'm sure Marks and Spencer also had their own label ones. I think that could get cheese and celery ones also, at at Christmas time they liked to travel in tins. From what I remember of them the smelt quite a lot like rampant foot odor. This meant that unless you really liked them you had to get yourself quite psyched up or moderately drunk before tucking in. Much the same thing is true of oysters, I feel. There was also a round cheesy potato snack, cheese balls/puffs with bright orange cheesy stuff on it which smelt worse, so much so that I won't even mention what it reminded me of.

I haven't seen them in years, I think they were displaced from their ecological snacking niche by Scampi fries, much in the way Grey Squirrels have kicked out the red ones.