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Your e-Mails

Kevin Johnson
World of BiscuitsFig rolls
Nicey replies: Yes it makes sense on every level. Perhaps this is why George Lucas was drawn to to Tunisia as a location for filming Starwars, given that its widely accepted (well me and Alice Gorman after I talked her round ) that Fig Rolls are perfect biscuits for space travel.

Jo Crowther
World of BiscuitsFig rolls
Nicey replies: Hello Jo,

To make commercial fig rolls you need a big machine for extruding them, so what ever you come up with will inevitably have a bit of a homemade look to it. I think your main challenge is to get your figs to resemble the fig paste inside a fig roll, no doubt beginning with drying them. Maybe you'll have to see if the locals have any fig processing tips you can assimilate. After that you are really into jam rolly-polly territory using a sweet pastry that I think you'll find needs some egg yolk in it.

Alice Gorman
World of BiscuitsCork Hat - AustraliaRocket ScienceFig rollsBiscuit tin
Nicey replies: Alice,

That is a fantastic biscuit tin, you must be very proud. I tend to think about biscuits in space about 3 or 4 times a week at the moment, which I think is healthy. In our book (out in November) I thought about which would be the best biscuit for zero-g or micro-gravity situation. This is surely going to be an issue for the in flight catering on any future sub-orbital space planes. Inevitably I think its the fig roll.

Bob in Tokyo
World of BiscuitsFig rolls

Fig Roll Review
Nicey replies: Bob,

It gives me a warm feeling to know that we are helping people across the world to locate proper biscuits. Hoorah, for the wonder of the interweb.

Your point about the contribution date is a good one, I'll see what I can do.

As to fig roll preferences, I think I nailed my colours to the mast in the original review.

Jordan Torbiak
Pink WafersWorld of BiscuitsFig rollsCanada
Nicey replies: Thank you for those thoughts.

I tried Pink Wafers again this week, in a grim experiment instigated by a work mate (Rimmingtons, Rinky dink Pink Panther wafers no less). Maybe it was the vitamins and minerals supplements as each wafer contained 10% of the RDA of zinc, iron, Vitamin C, B12, A folic acid, thiamin, and riboflavin, but they tasted bloody awful. I tried to think of something that might taste that bad and decided that stretches of tha A13 between Dagenham and Purfleet would probably hold their own in a taste test.