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Shooting Stars

Monday 13 Nov 2006
Last Thursday was a lovely clear day here in Cambridgeshire. When I got home from work at about 5.30 I glanced up at the stars just in time to see a shooting star fly across the sky. I've told a few people about this, as I think shooting stars are special, and have been really surprised at how many friends I have who claim never to have seen one.
This is mad!. On a clear night at any time of year you can see several every hour, and when there is a meteor shower you can see up to 50 or 100 per hour. It's the Leonids this weekend, so I want everyone to go out (unless it's cloudy, then I'll let you off) and look up at the sky until they see a shooting star. Go on, go on, go on, you'll thank me for it when you've seen one.
The best time is just before dawn, but you can look up any time it's dark and if you wait long enough you'll see one.