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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Now in paperback

We are bouncing up down with excitement as our book is published in paperback on September 1st 2005. It's remarkably like the hardback, only with a new cover which as you see is covered in biscuits, nineteen different sorts, plus a couple of jaffa cakes.

Other innovations include its categorisation as Humour, which is nice and should stop it turning up in odd places such as the travel books, as the hardback has been known to do. Also the tricky to read for some, orange on orange and orange on grey sections are now easy peasy orange on white. To find out more then visit our book page.

Buy it on Amazon

Look at the lovely cover

Lovely Tarts

With late summer upon us the home made jam season is in full swing. The NCOTAASD jam cupboard is now groaning after being topped up with Strawberry Jam, Raspberry Jelly and now Bramble Jelly. The mighty NCOTAASD kitchen mixer's fruit strainer attachment has been busily removing all the pips, which saves on dental floss bills.

It seemed too good an opportunity to miss not to make 36 jam tarts, which will no doubt come in handy over the next few days. We also have our eyes on some wild plum trees which should be ready for a raid in about 2 weeks time.

Perhaps you too have become obsessed by Jam recently or just throught about it for a bit. If so drop us a line, we already have an icon!

Nicey made some tarts all on a summers day
the younger members of staff ate the tarts
which then had to be put away
in a tin actually

It's suitable spoon month

Yes it's that time again when we look at a burning topic not far from everybody's minds. This month (probably the rest of the summer actually) we are looking at things that you stir your tea with. Perhaps you have a trusty teaspoon that serves you faithfully, or maybe you can never find one despite there allegedly being hundreds in your cutlery draw. Do you have to resort to using dessert spoons, knives or even pens to fish out your teabag and stir in the milk?

Perhaps you are forced to use those little plastic stirrer things, although you're not sure which way up they go. We want to hear about it. We may even make a new icon if we get some replies.

Your spoon feedback

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