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The Custard Cream it seems is tops

Tuesday 28 Aug 2007 Reporter: Nicey
The media is all of a flutter today with tales of custard creams. Its seems that in an online poll conducted by wheat free biscuit makers the custard cream was voted the number one biscuit, by an enormous margin. Mind you we suspect that Trufree limited voting to their range of biscuits, as with their current poll on pasta.
Also due to the technical difficulties in making biscuits without the aid of gluten, they have been unable to eliminate hydrogenated fat, that old and now rarely used staple of the biscuit industry from all their recipes. The custard cream is conspicuous by its absence from their list of hydrogenated fat free biscuits.
In our own biscuit survey which you may have taken part in last year, the custard cream fared very well just making it into the top ten of favourite biscuits at number 9, and an impressive seventh place for the biscuit people most often choose to buy. Compare that to the Digestive number one in the most bought but only 15th in the favourites. It seems the custard cream has a much more contented place in the biscuit tin.
The buzz of media interest in this has taken everybody by surprise, and perhaps Trufree are basking some what awkwardly in the glow of all the attention, whilst coming to terms with their Custard Creams garnering 93% of the vote whilst hydrogenated fat free rivals such as their GingerNut only scored 1.5%.