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Mark George
Nicey replies: As you leave your bag in for two minutes I certainly wouldn't try to make another cup with it. However we only give our bags a matter of 10-15 seconds whilst giving it a bit of a stir, and it works fine for us and a great many others for that matter. As we explained in the book when talking about leaf size in modern tea bags after two minutes a average tea bag in a mug will have begun to stew so unless it is removed exceedingly carefully will release the stewed tea from within, hence the perceived baggy flavour. This is due to the heavier molecular weight tannins which account for this flavour being able to move through the now saturated and hence widely spaced fibers of the cell walls. If the bag were to do this in the context of a teapot then it wouldn't be so much of an issue as it would no doubt be working with more than one mug of boiling water.

If somebody were to make a cup of of tea with one of your used two minute bags it would taste awfully stewed, and I certainly wouldn't fancy that.

I hope we have arrived at some sort of understanding.

Adam Christmas

South East Asian Multireview Review

Graham Holliday
World of Biscuits

South East Asian Multireview Review
Nicey replies: Actually their website is quite good, and packed with pictures of their biscuits, which my head (and entire alimentary tract led by my taste buds are advising against), where as my heart says 'perhaps'. They would probably have to get me semi lashed up on something first, however, I don't think I could do it sober. Not after the last time.

I've only ever had nice Polish biscuits but they have all been made by Bahlsen.

Barbara Elizabeth Stewart

Oreo Review
Nicey replies: Well spotted so here is my heartfelt defense..

How many americans actually have to refer to the instructions on the side of the pack in order to consume their Oreos? I'm guessing none. This is why they are absurd.

The difference is really apparent when we consider the target beverages. A Custard Cream, built for tea, may be dunked in hot cuppa when whole and so comes ready to rock and roll. The Oreo on the other hand gets involved with a glass of milk at stage 4 or 5 I think according to the instructions, which means it would be more convenient if they were shipped disassembled and flat packed Ikea style ready for business.

One can choose to dismantle a Custard Cream should you wish, or to eat some other way, it's your choice. I don't slavishly have to take apart every Custard Cream I eat. In fact I mostly eat them whole. However, with the Oreo it has a diagram on the side of the pack telling you to do this. You see? Custard Cream, you choose what to do, Oreo, apparently a mandatory dismantling and cream licking rigmarole.

Juliet Bailiff
Nicey replies: Not useless to us, even if it does conflict with my completely fabricated story that Queen Victoria invented them whilst staying on the Isle of Wight. Actually fifty years ago would have been only about 10 or 15 years before H&P merged with Peek Frean to form Associated biscuits, and about 100 years since the company was founded in Reading. The Butter Osborne certainly made it into 1970's.