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To help you work out what is what, are now little icons to help you see biscuit related themes. And now you can see at a glance which are the most contested subjects via this graph (requires Flash 6.0 plugin).

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If you like, you can use this search thingy to find stuff that matches with any of the icons you pick, or use the fantastic free text search, Yay!
Chocolate Cake Fruit Pink Wafers World of Biscuits The French Cork Hat - Australia Kiwi - Kiwis
Rocket Science Jammie Dodger Fig rolls Jam Smells like biscuits Jaffa cakes Biscuit tin Tea
Seek you the Grail Cheese please Canada Personal mug Superstitions Holidays Vending machines Tea cosy
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Your e-Mails

The FrenchRocket ScienceDunking
Nicey replies: I'm afraid I'm not prepared to take a picture of the nice biscuit even to help your school project. You will need to undertake this potentially hazardous task your self using some form of digital camera. Alternately you could probably bung one under a scanner and try that. If people can scan cats then I'm sure a biscuit should work..

Lucy Knight
Nicey replies: Thanks for that mail Lucy,

I have a lot of time for Foxes biscuits, and their leading role in crunch based biscuits. I'm sure we will be reviewing one or more of them in future.

ChocolateWorld of BiscuitsDunking
Nicey replies: Woo what a fantastic eMail. Hoorah! Yay for Giant Bee mugs, its wonderful to hear that they are bringing such tea drinking happiness to you and your girlfriend.

I'm absolutely sure the HobNobs at 1/3 of their intended price was a sign from the universe to your self that your Tea and Biscuits path is a righteous one. The supermarket checkout assistant was obviously unaware of the priceless nature of the chocolate HobNob, a biscuit which is frequently enjoyed by adults in a consenting relationship.

Iced tea, I have gone out of my way never to drink it as it is plainly misguided and wrong.