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Station Lightyears
Nicey replies: I too have problems with caffeine past 6pm, it keeps me up all night. So I've found the best approach is switch tea brands. Being committed PG Tips drinkers having a cup of their decaf is a little flat. So I usually go for Yorkshire Tea decaf which manages to fool my tastebuds into thinking I'm just having a slightly non-standard cuppa instead of a cup of my usual which has something not right about it.

There is probably a PhD to be had getting to the bottom of that one.


Oreo Review
Nicey replies: I hope I didn't give the impression that nobody would enjoy them as this obviously isn't the case. I know plenty of people in the UK who have tried them and like them a lot. They do seem to be in the minority, however. Nanny Nicey told me just last week about one her friends who enjoys Oreos dipped in peanut butter, which sounds like she has been exploring American culture in a fairly vigourous way.

Here at NCOTAASD we like nothing better than exploring other cultures through the medium of biscuits, and over the years we found some truly interesting, tasty and stimulating things to go with our tea. We've also encountered some pretty awful ones too, but as you say keep an open mind you never know.


Oreo Review
Nicey replies: Yes I recorded that interview last night in the BBC studios here in Cambridge. I brought a flask of tea as theirs is a bit grim.

Any how the Oreo is very obviously a national treasure in the US so it deserves some sensitive handling as a topic when discussing it face to face. I must admit to keeping my head down though in the supermarket when I bought a pack for sampling during the interview. Although the guy in the till didn't share my embarrassment and the engineer at the studio had never even heard of Oreos.

Stuart Bell
Seek you the Grail
Nicey replies: These have been mentioned before, but personally I never encountered them. It seems that Chiltonian biscuits were very special indeed, we always mention them when mourning the passing of proper Gariballdi biscuits. I shall create an entry for them in the MIA database.

Huw Wyn Busgut

Tregroes Toffee Waffles Review
Nicey replies: You are of course right about the splitting down the middle thing, thanks for pointing that out.