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Your e-Mails

Phil Harris
Nicey replies: Oh yes that was all duly noted. We often drive past and take the train through Bishops Stortford so obviously it comes as a great relief to us to know that council staff have been trained up in tea making safety. The foreboding that a scalding hot cup of tea might come sailing out of an open council office window has now significantly reduced.

Lisa Hardi
Nicey replies: Bananas and Custard are a brilliant pudding, frequently deployed here at NCOTAASD HQ when the younger members of staff have polished off all their main course. I have to admit to liking Christmas pudding with mostly custard and a dash of cream.

As for trifle, there simply isn't enough of it around.

Nicey replies: Glad to see custard can play both the light and dark pudding roles.

Alison Russell

Lincoln Review
Nicey replies: I'm very impressed that you have Lincoln biscuit memorabilia at all, ours doesn't extend further than a few crumbs and the odd empty packet. Perhaps if you could forward a group photo of your collection it would inspire us all to biscuit memorabilia collecting too. Or perhaps some of us have some Lincoln biscuit memorabilia in the family and never realised it, presumably its covered in little bumps and has Lincoln written on it?

Lesley Jennings
Seek you the Grail
Nicey replies: As yet I don't know of any big stores stocking them, and haven't yet spotted them myself. But they are out there somewhere as we were sent the remains of a pack last year. The people who had spotted them ate most of the pack them selves and just managed to save two for us which they bunged in an envelope along with the wrapper. This was a bit like when naturalists determine that some animal is still around by finding a squashed one on the road. Keep your eyes open in corner shops and petrol stations.