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Your e-Mails

Kate Talbot
Pink Wafers
Nicey replies: I'm very impressed by your attention to detail, it elevates what could have simply been an average common or garden knitted plate of biscuits, with a knitted cup of tea and a knitted selection tray of biscuits and knitted cellophane pack complete with illustrations and knitted insert tray to something truly extraordinary.

As for those custard creams it seems the only coeliac biscuits worth messing with are the custard creams.

Its these same custard creams that have caused so much confusion recently leading the OED to include Custard Cream this year.

Darryl Snow

Fox's Whipped Creams Review
Nicey replies: Although I completely follow your logic they are nothing like that.

Charlie Harden

Lincoln Review
Nicey replies: A bit of good news on the Lincoln front, despite McVities discontinuing them we have just spotted Jacob's Lincolns in Ireland. The Jacob's Lincoln's I've had in the past have been very nice indeed and are a little bit more golden than the pale McVities ones were.

John Dolan

Tunnocks Tea Cake Review
Nicey replies: Well I had a lovely bike ride through the collages the other day so if you had spotted me you could have asked me then. Burton's definitely have red goo inside them I wouldn't exactly call it jam I've always thought of it as part of an alliance which includes the red stuff that goes on top proper ice creams. Having said that you don't see that as often as you used to. I haven't had a Burton's for a little while now but did look at a pack the other day and it still depicted jam in them.

Lee's a Scottish brand also definitely has jam in them too.

I have never encountered a Tunnocks tea cake with jam in it and personally as I said in the review I don't see that it is possible, but would happily be proved wrong.

Hiromi Miura
World of BiscuitsJapanese Black Thunder

Fox's Whipped Creams Review
Nicey replies: Hello Special Biscuit Correspondent Miura,

They look like really good fun for YMOS parties and such. Perhaps the biscuits become super-conductive at low temperatures allowing them to hover in magnetic fields, perhaps that's what the Koreans are getting at.