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Nina Swift
Kiwi - KiwisPersonal mug
Nicey replies: We put the bit about our first birthday up about 2 years ago, because its now our third at the end of this month. Redundancy has always been a blessing in disguise for me, I probably wouldn't have just written our book if it wasn't for the last one.

Our web cookies are called biscuits if you look at the data.

Lee Bolton
Personal mug
Nicey replies: Lee,

A common strategy, that probably also ensures that people don't invite themselves round for meals at your house either.

Steve Britton
Personal mug
Nicey replies: Steve,

Yes I too have worked at places where the policy was for people to take turns in washing up all the mugs. Mostly this resulted in the 'busiest' most 'too important' people not washing up mugs ever, whilst everybody else who appreciated a cuppa from a clean mug was forced to wash up the collective mugs. This created many unpleasant scenes not least the shirkers scratching around for anything at all clean that they could use at 3:30 on Friday afternoon to drink tea from. You could always spot these people as they would happily drink tea from a vase, or plastic bag if it meant they didn't have to wash it up.

Phil Dennison
Personal mugButterToast
Nicey replies: Phil,

Thanks for the butter info. You seem to be doing splendid work out there in California getting the tea making sorted out. That's a very nice mug you have there. Wifey says she's concerned about which teabags you are using in it. I trust from time to time you have baked beans on toast for lunch to further unsettle the locals..

Wayne Shaw
Personal mug
Nicey replies: Wayne,

Our sympathies are with you, at what what must be a very difficult time. However, loosing a mug is a bit like loosing a Pet. Although another mug will never take the place of the one you have just lost, you can of course console yourself by going out and buying another. It will take a week or two to get used to the new one but time is a great healer and soon you'll be able to look back and just remember all the happy times you had with your old mug, before your mate smashed it up on the floor and you had to bin it.