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Your e-Mails

Richard Willis

Martin De Saulles
Seek you the Grail
Nicey replies: Your the second person to mention them to me recently. I have to say I've never had one. Its been a while since we had a good old fashioned biscuit quest so lets start one for the Barmouth.

Jaffa cakes
Nicey replies: Woo, juicy inside information! I think we all know why they wanted to go for the cakes name, as it would increase their profit margin with the no VAT on cakes ruling. The again that maybe didn't apply at the time.

Matthew Goodsall
World of Biscuits
Nicey replies: Matthew

That's an inspiring tale of man pitted against adverse biscuit conditions. Personally I've eaten muesli bars at 3,200 meters but I didn't hike up there so it doesn't really count.

Yes it would be great to hear of anybody else's tales of extreme biscuit eating, that is either in extreme environments, or just extremely nasty biscuits or both as in your tale.

James Fussell
Nicey replies: Great news about the tea and sit down Jim. Never heard of the tea, but its nice to think of those smugglers having a quite moment in the day when they are not busy shipping in dodgy booze, fags and drugs for a nice cuppa. Mind you this tea selling they have got involved with will probably be their undoing, as I would think its a simple matter now for Customs an Excise to track them down.