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Your e-Mails

Seth Phillips
World of Biscuits
Nicey replies: There is a big world of biscuits out there, perhaps you could indulge yourself in a bit of biscuit tourism, we European types are quite fond of that. Then again armed with our biscuit review information you may now spot some imported UK biccies.

Heidi Thomas
Nicey replies: She has let herself go a bit since the WonderBra ads but I wouldn't go as far as to call her grotesque.

Malcolm Coghill

Andrew Waite
Nicey replies: Perhaps the House of Lancaster is just particularly clumsy, although I think you have tumbled the enigma as emanating from the Horizon Biscuit company. Dark horses that lot, they are behind many a pack of biscuits. Indeed the Lyons (a Burton's brand) chocolate sandwich biscuit (a Penguin analogue basically) is made by the Horizon biscuit company.

Andrew Harper
Nicey replies: Yes we have really exhausted our capacity to review these dry old biscuits for the short term, the Thin Arrowroot pack really did for us. We will get round to the Morning Coffee but not in the immediate future, as we need some indulgent biscuits for the next few weeks.