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FruitJaffa cakes
Nicey replies: Well low fat biscuits are a very tricky area, a bit like low alcohol drinks. Biscuits by their very nature have lots of carbohydrates and fat, mess with this basic equation and somethings not right. There are two main approaches, subterfuge and avoid total substitution. Foxs 'Officially Low Fat' cookies use clever recipes to avoid the fat content, small amounts of glycerol are used to keep the biscuit soft, a bit like its use in icing. Strong flavours such as almond and cherry try to steer our taste buds away from the lack of fat. The result through subterfuge is slightly odd but very very low fat cookie.

The second approach seen in much of the McV GoAhead range is to bulk up the biscuit with something that is low fat like fruit. Now, I happen to like that, but you may not.

Sometimes products are of course bulked up with low fat air, so watch out for those.

Interestingly another reason why the Jaffa Cake is a cake and not a biscuit is that is sponge base is much lower fat in than its biscuit shelf mates, and combined with plain chocolate the fat content is impressively low.

Alannah OSullivan
Vending machines

Debbie B
Nicey replies: Glad you liked the newsletter! We happily plug any institutions, even worthy ones, that have seen fit to place tea, biscuits and I believe a short compulsory sit down at the center of its day to day workings.

Dominic Jackson
Nicey replies: Well modern teaching tells us that after long brewing times the higher molecular weight tannins which are released due to tea leaves structure becoming more porous lead to the stewed taste. The mechanical action of the spoon on tea bag has a similar effect, therefore leading to a stewed taste.

Of course this is exactly what some people are seeking and others avoiding.

Victoria Williams
Nicey replies: I understand what you are getting perfectly only the cream we had in Cornwall was quite runny and the jam quite stiff. Perhaps rather than hard and fast rules this is really a case by case judgment. Why can't one simply apply jam to one half and cream to the other in which ever orientation pleases you, no confusing mechanical issues.