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Lee Betts
Nicey replies: Lee,

Well I think there is something in both points of view. Personally I would say the chilling the biscuits will affect their flavour, with it being diminished somewhat. However, I don't much care for limp on the verge of melting biscuits. So yes keep them in the fridge in the summer, but allow them to warm a little before eating so that the flavour can be appreciated.

If your colleague is from another planet then he will most likely have a very different appearance, perhaps extra limbs and he may not be bilaterally symmetrical favouring some higher order of symmetry such as the five fold symmetry of the Echinoderms such as starfish and sea-urchins. His body chemistry may also be very different requiring him to breathe a mixture of gases that would be toxic to us. His eyes may be sensitive to parts of the spectrum we can't see like the ultra violet. He may also be adapted for life in a gravity field that is weaker or stronger than that which we are used to, with a short stocky build or long graceful but brittle bones. Does any of this ring true?


ToffyPops Review
Nicey replies: Very moving, but as I said you can now get them in Asda.

Racheal Oliveck
Nicey replies: Yes, I was just discussing that with my Book editor. Some of their comparisons, are a bit iffy but I suppose that is journalistic license. Also the Sports writers at the Guardian are not unaware of our work, Wifey has been in touch with them in the past.

Steve James

Rich Tea Review
Nicey replies: Oh yes very handy. Where is the packet it came in?

John Rooney