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Your e-Mails

Colleen Howe
Nicey replies: Our advice is to stop mucking about and have a proper cup of tea.

Sue Northcott
CakeThe FrenchTeaHolidaysIreland
Nicey replies: Sue,

Glad to hear you made lots of tea and cake propelled dosh for your Charity. Well done to all your baking colleagues too.

Team NCOTAASD are just back from a week in the Alps, where the YMOS did very good impressions of small helmet wearing projectiles re-entering the earth's atmosphere. Wifey can officially now no longer keep up with them and is adapting her skiing style accordingly to a more sitting down with a hot chocolate whilst I go off and find ever steeper things for the YMOS to tackle.

On the way back yesterday morning we found ourselves on Paris's Gare du Nord at 6:00 am where I was forced to drink Liptons Yellow label tea in a paper cup of hot water and milk, for 2.40 Euros. Wifey has always wanted a romantic weekend in Paris, and arriving at 5:30 am after a night spent trying to sleep and a vinyl covered shelf surrounded by ski socks didn't seem to count. Not even one little tiny bit, although we did spot the odd glimpse of the Eiffel Tower on the way out.

So I better go and get that Guinness and see if we can celebrate St Patrick's Day in some style

Pete aka Sadistician
Nicey replies: Hey Pete aka Sadistician,

Well done on the long kettle coming to the boil intro to your song, I enjoyed that part. Your friends mother however sounded a bit like she had been burning the candle at both ends.

In such a situation as cake or biscuit always go with the cake, as you'll get offered the biscuits again after you have finished the cake, in a kind of main course / pudding thing.

Also as it is St Patrick's day well done on bringing up the Farther Ted reference. I must away now to get Wifey her Guinness.

Marmite lover
Nicey replies: Well Yorkshire tea is a very acceptable brew, and they don't cut any corners as far as we are concerned. Mind you I think you'll find most brands produce quite a powerful cuppa when they produce a Premium blend. This was certainly the case when PG Tips produced a special blend for their 75th anniversary, its teh only logical place to go really.

We haven't had a good North South battle royal since the last one, (the interpretation of the term bun I think..) so lets have at it. You might want to leave the Welsh / Irish and Scots out of this one though and draw the battle lines between the Wirral and the Wash.

Nicky Bramley
Biscuit tinTea
Nicey replies: Nicky,

I think you are in danger of projecting overly complex physiological states for the people who will ploughing through your free biscuits.